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Wentworth Womens Institute

Wentworth WI committee entertaining members at their Christmas party
Wentworth Womens Institute meet every second Thursday in the month at The Mechanics Institute, Main Street, Wentworth (opposite the village car park) from 7.30pm.
Cost £21.00 for a 12 month subscription (Enrolment 9th January), or £1.50 per visit (3 visits allowed in 12 months).
Refreshments are served at the end of each meeting. Outings and theatre visits are organised plus other social evenings.
For further details of any events contact Beryl Ambler on 01226 747516
Programme for 2004
Date |
Subject |
Speaker |
Jan 8 |
Patchwork |
Christine Rowett |
Feb 13 |
Personality revealed by Handwriting |
Jean Eliot |
Mar 11 |
Siheffield Botanical Gardens |
Dr Sue Kohler |
Apr 8 |
The Sheffield Flood |
Malcolm Nunn |
May 13 |
To discuss and vote on the Resolutions for the National Federation's AGM to be held at Sheffield Arena in June |
June 10 |
An Auctioneer's Lot |
Pierre Maciag |
June 19 |
Our outing this year is to Mount Grace Priory and Northallerton coach fare �ppound;8.00 entrance to the Priory �2.50 (free if you are member of The National Trust). To book seats and for more information please ring Mrs D Pond 01226 747751 |
July 8 |
Farming Memories |
John Greeves |
Aug 12 |
Social Evening (to be arranged) |
Sep 9 |
Wildlife of the Galapagos |
Richard Smith |
Oct 14 |
AGM (Join now and get 15 months for the cost of 12) |
Nov 11 |
Knickers |
Janet Strain |
Dec 9 |
Christmas Party |
All About the WI
Wentworth WI was formed in 1985 and is part of the South Yorkshire Federation of Women.s Institutes (SYFWI) and the National Federation of Women.s Institutes (NFWI). In 2004 Wentworth had 46 members. Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Wentworth Mechanics Institute, Main Street, Wentworth at 7.15 pm for a 7.30 pm prompt start.
ACTIVITIES The Committee organises various functions during the year, which include outings, theatre trips and social evenings. We join in village activities and usually have a stall at any local charity fair to raise funds. Our ongoing Millennium Project is collecting litter, planting spring bulbs and keeping the footpaths clear in the Memorial Wood. We sited a litterbin on the back lane near the gate leading on to Hague Lane, which is emptied by local members.
MEETINGS The main part of the evening is a talk or demonstration (sometimes with hands on experience) preceded by some brief WI business. Members, on a rota basis, serve tea or coffee and biscuits
SUBSCRIPTIONS for (2005) is £21.00 which is shared between Wentworth WI, SYFWI and NFWI.
THE ROCKLEY GROUP Wentworth WI belongs to this group, which is made up of eight other local WI.s. There is a group committee, formed from one WI, which is currently Wath. The committee consists of a Convener, a Secretary and Treasurer. They arrange a number of events including a President.s meeting. Each WI takes it in turn to organise the annual Group Rally, which is on May 21st and organised by High Green this year
SYFWI Acts as an umbrella for all the WI.s in South Yorkshire Joan Holgate is Federation Chairman and the Federation Secretary is Marilyn Jones who is based at the Federation office at Hall Cross Cottage, 5 Albion Place, Doncaster, DNI 2EG Telephone 01302 325829 Office hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 11 am . 3 pm. Within SYFWI there are several committees that arrange events and activities to cater for the needs and interests of members
NFWI is an even bigger umbrella for all the WI.s in England and Wales. Their office is in London, Tel: number 020 3719300 Web site http://www.womens-institute.org.uk
RESOLUTIONS on social and topical matters, submitted by individual WI.s in England and Wales are selected and discussed thoroughly at all levels. If carried at the national annual general meeting, they empower the WI to influence local or national policy making.
DENMAN COLLEGE is the WI.s own residential college near Oxford. SYFWI, Rockley Group and Wentworth WI have bursaries for which members can apply. Members can choose a course from a very wide variety of different subjects from the college programme. Denman College is now open for holidays for members and non-members.
ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) is a worldwide organisation to which the NFWI belongs. Each WI donates small amounts to ACWW (coins for friendship collection box out at each meeting) and this money is used to help under privileged women in third world countries.
WI PUBLICATIONS These include News n Views SYFWI monthly newsletter and the WI.s own national magazine Home and Country, which is shortly to be delivered to each subscriber.s home. Our Magazine Secretary is Pam Chappell who will be pleased to show you a copy.
PRESS REPORTS Enid Ryan or Beryl Ambler send reports of meetings and activities to local organisations and newspapers.
COUNTRY MARKETS These are held at Penistone on Thursday mornings and at Doncaster, Sheffield and Tickhill on Friday mornings
Archived Info
Click the links below for archived WI information from previous years:-
Click here for 2002Click here for 2003