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Wentworth Family Tree

Wentworth Estates

Parish Council

Wentworth Womens Institute

Wentworth WI committee entertaining members at their Christmas party
Wentworth Womens Institute meet every second Thursday in the month at The Mechanics Institute, Main Street, Wentworth (opposite the village car park) from 7.30pm.
Cost �18.25 for a 12 month subscription (Enrolment 9th January), or �1.50 per visit (3 visits allowed in 12 months).
Refreshments are served at the end of each meeting. Outings and theatre visits are organised plus other social evenings.
For further details of any events contact Beryl Ambler, e-mail [email protected]
Programme for 2003
Date |
Subject and Speaker |
Competition |
Jan 9 |
The Candian Rockies |
A landscape photograph |
Feb 13 |
What is Freemasonry? |
A badge |
Mar 13 |
Costume at Cusworth Hall |
A Fan |
Apr 10 |
Woodturning |
A small wooden item |
May 8 |
Resolutions |
Home made sweets |
May |
Outing - destination to be announced |
Jun 12 |
A new look at the Eyam Plague |
A pomander |
Jun 14-15 |
Flower Festival organised by the South Yorkshire Federation of Women's Institutes at Wentworth Church |
Jun 14 |
Rockley Group Rally @ Milton Hall, Elsecar |
Jul 10 |
Animal Rescue |
An animal ornament |
Aug 14 |
Coach outing to to the old rectory, Epworth, Nr Doncaster consisting of tour around the house with a meal afterwards �11.00 including coach fare picking up at Harley and Wentworth to book seat and more information contact D Pond 01226 747751 non members are very welcome |
Sep 11 |
The Magistracy |
An old document |
Oct 9 |
A.G.M. come and join and receive 15 months for the price of 12. Followed by Stitches selling designer sweatshirts etc |
A piece of embroidery |
Nov 13 |
Skye and the Outer Hebrides |
A Scottish souvenir |
Dec 11 |
Christmas Party |
An unusual Christmas card |
Non-members are welcome to attend up to 3 meetings a year @ �1.75 per meeting which includes tea, coffee & biscuits with a view to join. We meet @ the mechanics Institute, main street, wentworth (across from the village car park) on the 2nd Thursday of each month (except August) @ 7.30pm gentlemen are very welcome to come to any meeting they might find interesting.
1st 2nd & 3rd placements are awarded points which are totalled at the end of the year and the person with the most points is awarded the Patricia Gale cup for 12 months (Patricia was a committee member who lived in the Wentworth Area all her life but died 12 years ago).
Womens Institute News
Our Autumn and Winter programme has been varied and enjoyable we have seen the litter bin we have donated to Wentworth village, as part of our Millennium project, sited on the Back Lane near the gate leading to Hague Lane which is serviced by 2 members (+ 1 husband). We joined Thorpe Hesley WI for a night at the Dearne Valley theatre to watch the "Variety Bandbox" performed by members of the W.I.�s in South Yorkshire, a coach load went to the City Hall in Sheffield for our annual evening out. Our quiz team came second in the County heats only losing by 1 point, some of us attended the Autumn Council Meeting at the Consort Suite, Thurcroft, we attended an evening at Wentworth Garden Centre for demonstrations on making Christmas decorations followed by refreshments in the café and about 30 members had Christmas dinner at the Regency at Ecclesfield. The County Federation carol service was held at Rotherham this time instead of Sheffield so more of our members felt able to attend. Our Christmas party went well we were joined by about 22 members of other WI�s in our group and we were all entertained by our committee performing a very amusing sketch we had fun trying to answer an interesting quiz on Wentworth and the surrounding area and 2 of our members entertained us by reading Christmas poems.
The new year started well with us having a talk and slide show on the Canadian Rockies in January and our speaker in February was John Goodchild giving his talk on "What is Freemasonry" which was well attended including 6 Gentlemen visitors who joined in our question and answer session.
We are looking forward to the March speaker who is Joan Currie who will be talking about the costumes at Cusworth Hall.