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Wentworth Family Tree

Wentworth Estates

Parish Council

Business Directory
This is a list of businesses we know about in Wentworth and the surrounding area. Click on any business name to see further details, or on the "Feature" entry (where present) for a feature article on the business.
We apologise if we've omitted your business or have entered incorrect details - please contact us with any changes, or if you would like your entry removed.
Basic Business Directory entries are provided FREE of charge; we also offer more comprehesive FEATURE entries for a small annual fee - see here for details.
Name | Description | Feature |
Sell classic British antique telephones | - | |
Licensed Boarding Cattery | - | |
Disability Equipment | - | |
Plumbers | - | |
Disability Equipment | - | |
Picture & Photo Framing Services | - | |
Tool Sharpening | - | |
Business & Management Consultants | - | |
Fireplaces and Mantlepieces | - | |
Furniture | - | |
Hairdressers | - | |
Aromatherapy | - | |
Property and Estate Management | ||
Mirrors & Decorative Glass | - | |
Public House | - | |
Sales Training Consultancy | - | |
Excavation & Groundwork Contractors | - | |
Restaurant | - | |
Dog Collars | - | |
Wine Merchants | - | |
Hairdressers | - | |
Exhibition Services | - | |
Driving School | - | |
Pet and Aquatic | - | |
Public House | - | |
Computer Services | ||
Arts and Crafts | - | |
Craft Centre | - | |
Bakery and General Store | - | |
A local hotel close to Wentworth | ||
Pet Foods and Animal Feeds | - | |
Crafts and Antiques | - | |
Brewery | - | |
Schools | - | |
Monthly craft fair at the Mechanics Institute | - | |
Family Farm | - | |
Blacksmith | - | |
Furniture Makers | - | |
Garden Centre | - | |
Garden Services | - | |
Windows and Conservatories | - | |
Residential Home | - | |
Pet Shops | - | |
Furniture | - | |
Post Office | - | |
Potteries | - | |
Pottery | - | |
Fencing Contractors | - | |
Virtual Shop Window Adverts for Wentworth | - | |
Stained Glass Desginers and Producers | - | |
Joinery | - | |
Wool and Textiles | - |