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Wentworth Estates

Parish Council

The Needles Eye

A pyramid, about 45 feet high of ashlar blocks of local coal measure sandstone surmounted by an ornamental urn and pierced by a tall Gothic ogee arch. It straddles a now defunct private roadway which ran from Wentworth Woodhouse northwards to the Lion Lodges near Brampton Bierlow. It can be seen from Coaley Lane and reached via a signposted footpath leaving Coaley Lane almost opposite Street Lane.
Legend has it that Earl Fitzwilliam built the structure as a result of a wager that he could drive his horse and carriage through the eye of a needle. The position on the coach road supports this story, although the size of the archway is probably only sufficient to accomodate a small gun carriage.
Needles Eye Web Link
For a much more comprehensive article about the Needle's Eye, including an interesting theory about the significance of the number 7 in it's construction, take a look at Ink Amera - "Secrets of the Pyramid" - highly recommended.