The Needle’s Eye

Needle’s Eye from Wentworth village side

A pyramid, about 45 feet high of ashlar blocks of local coal measure sandstone surmounted by an ornamental urn and pierced by a tall Gothic ogee arch. It straddles a now defunct private roadway which ran from Wentworth Woodhouse northwards to the Lion Lodges near Brampton Bierlow. It can be seen from Coaley Lane and reached via a signposted footpath leaving Coaley Lane almost opposite Street Lane.

Legend has it that Earl Fitzwilliam built the structure as a result of a wager that he could drive his horse and carriage through the eye of a needle. The position on the coach road supports this story, although the size of the archway is probably only sufficient to accomodate a small gun carriage.

There is also evidence of a possible execution by firing squad on one side, where there are several distinct musket-ball marks in the stone.

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2 Responses to “The Needle’s Eye”

  1. Jan Says:

    Does anyone have a picture of the vinegar stone which is near the enterance to the Needles Eye from Coaly Lane? Its in the undergrowth, and has moss all over it. Is it true that it was used when the plague was rife, people placed their money in the vinegar and thus it stopped any chance of the plague being passed on?

  2. Judy Popley Says:

    I have images of all the principal follies and buildings on the estate.