Wentworth Village » Galleries http://www.wentworthvillage.net Wentworth Village Community site for Wentworth, South Yorkshire and Sourrounding Area Fri, 11 Mar 2016 10:08:56 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.1.3 Civil War Re-Enactment http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/civil-war-re-enactment-20th-may-2010 http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/civil-war-re-enactment-20th-may-2010#comments Thu, 03 Jun 2010 13:09:58 +0000 Wentworth Admin http://www.wentworthvillage.net/?p=389 All taken 30th May 2010

All photographs kindly supplied by & copyright of James Eastwood


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http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/civil-war-re-enactment-20th-may-2010/feed 1
A Walk Around Wentworth http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/a-walk-around-wentworth-2 http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/a-walk-around-wentworth-2#comments Thu, 03 Jun 2010 11:31:30 +0000 Wentworth Admin http://www.wentworthvillage.net/?p=387 On a sunny day in late May.

All photos copyright wentworthvillage.net & may not be reproduced without prior permission.

Coat of arms

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Coat of arms displayed in the old church, was hung outside Wentworth Woodhouse when the last Earl died to signify mourning.

http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/a-walk-around-wentworth-2/feed 0
Old Postcards http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/old-postcards http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/old-postcards#comments Tue, 06 Apr 2010 09:51:05 +0000 Wentworth Admin http://www.wentworthvillage.net/?p=358 All the photographs in this gallery were kindly provided by James Eastwood. For more pictures & higher resolution pictures please visit his Flickr page

Wentworth Woodhouse

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Wentworth Woodhouse

http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/old-postcards/feed 1
James Eastwood Gallery http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/james-eastwood-gallery http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/james-eastwood-gallery#comments Mon, 18 Jan 2010 12:50:29 +0000 Wentworth Admin http://new2.wentworthvillage.net/?p=228 All the photographs in this gallery were kindly provided by James Eastwood. For more pictures & higher resolution pictures please visit his Flickr page

Wentworth Post Office

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http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/james-eastwood-gallery/feed 1
Wentworth Gallery http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/wentworth-gallery http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/wentworth-gallery#comments Wed, 06 Jan 2010 14:49:45 +0000 Wentworth Admin http://new2.wentworthvillage.net/?p=210 To reduce download times, some of the photographs on our web pages have been reduced in size and don’t always do justice to their subjects. In the Wentworth Gallery we aim to present a selection of quality photographs of Wentworth area which you can view at full size. Click on the thumbnails in the list below to view the full photo.

The Bearpit

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Entrance to the Bear Pit in Wentworth Woodhouse gardens - by Daren Loxley

http://www.wentworthvillage.net/photo-galleries/wentworth-gallery/feed 0